
@michaelmaness on Knight’s journalism and media innovation strategy

Above, Michael Maness outlines what the journalism and media innovation team is up to at Knight Foundation and how its evolving strategy is helping to promote informed and engaged communities. In early 2013, Maness also talked with Nieman Lab about Knight’s priorities and how to ensure impact. The podcast is available online.

The presentation includes: 

  • a review of investments by focus area;
  • how the foundation is moving from solely funding projects to financing, facilitating and futurizing;
  • an overview of the journalism/media innovation grant amount ranges, including number of grants, the potential for risk or failure and impact areas; and
  • a look at how to build a systemic innovation network.

A version of this slide show was originally presented at the 2012 Online News Association conference in San Francisco prior to the announcement of the Knight News Challenge: Data winners

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